Happy New Year!

I kinda wanted to put this up a few days ago but I’ve been away visiting parents for the past few days so not had access to the computer to do so!

Anyway, Happy New Year and all that. I hope that those of you who were able to do so, had a wonderful and relaxing Holiday period, and for anyone who worked over it, thank you for what you do and I hope you were able to find time to celebrate/relax whenever you could!

So, onto the first proper post of the site. I don’t really have too much to say, I’m still getting the site up to date and working out what I want to put on it. So far the main thing has been making a ‘Collection‘ Page, which catalogues my retro game collection from PS2/Gamecube/Xbox era, going backwards. There is quite a number of games across all the systems I own, so it’s probably going to take some time, but it’ll be quite fun and might inspire some choices for future streams!

As far as other plans go, I’m hoping to finish off Goldeneye on stream soon, and then write up a little review of it. I just kinda wanted to put down some thoughts on how I felt about it having finally finished it, how it holds up nowdays, what I liked about it and what I disliked, that kinda thing.

So def stay tuned, and more will come!

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